Casey Curtiss
"I am currently working in Hollywood, California on David Fincher's post production team. As of 2017 I'm an apprentice editor for the new Netflix original series, Mindhunter. The show is directed and produced by David Fincher, known for such films as Gone Girl and Fight Club. I started as a post production assistant on the show, and was able to join the Editor's Union and leave behind my coffee-fetching duties!
I moved to Los Angeles in Jan 2016 to pursue my ambitions of working in Editorial on Hollywood films. I found my passion for film while attending UNM's Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media Program, where I graduated in 2013. Originally aiming for a career in Visual Effects, I shifted my focus to editing after such mentors as Michael Kamins and Charlie O'Dowd.
Michael offered me an internship for one semester at New Mexico PBS while I attended UNM, and upon graduating, I worked at New Mexico PBS for two and a half years. This was the first job out of college, and was the last job I had before leaving the state. I learned so much about television and technology during my stay at New Mexico PBS, I will always value that time for the people I met and the skills I acquired!"