Leave a legacy.
Planned Giving
Planning for the future and Leaving a Legacy
For over 60 years, New Mexico PBS has provided lifelong learning opportunities that challenge the mind; enrich our quality of life; and offer civil discourse on the most pressing issues facing our world.
When you include NMPBS in your estate plans, you not only create a personal philanthropic legacy, but also ensure that this and future generations will benefit from the rich programs and services NMPBS provides.
There are many ways to give a planned gift, and many reasons for giving:
- Ensure that you support the causes and organizations you care about in perpetuity
- Make a larger impact on the community
- Increase your current income
- Gain immediate or future tax deductions
Join other NMPBS supporters and plan your legacy.
Giving Docs is safe, secure and free for life.
To learn more, contact Theresa Spencer, Development Director at (505) 277-1225.