Martin Klinge
"Since my graduation from the University of New Mexico, I got in touch with both Multimedia and Television companies and started my freelance work as an independent camera-operator. I currently reside in Malmö, Sweden. I've worked with filming a slew of different assignments, political debates, theatre productions, opera, music festivals, and live sport broadcasts. Either for Swedish television or private productions. I've had a lot of fun and enjoy the variety as well as the work itself, unfortunately this is not what I wish to continue to do on a full-time basis.
Due to most of the work being during the summer, I found other work during spring and fall, and found a passion for teaching and education while working as a substitute and resource teacher.
So I am now studying to become a high-school teacher in English and Swedish while continuing my work at a local middle-school, and I love it, but I still take on assignments now and then to keep my camera-skills from getting too rusty. However, it turns out I prefer to stand in front of a class, rather than behind a camera!"