Sorrell, Rhiannon
“Born to Kinłichíí’nii (Red House People) and Ta’neezahnii (Tangle People) clans, I grew up in Fort Defiance, AZ. After getting my first taste of librarianship as an undergraduate student worker at the St. Lawrence University Music Library, I went on to get my M.A. and M.L.I.S. at the University of Rhode Island. Since graduating in 2014, I have continued to work with the American Indian Film Gallery on tribe-sourcing their films. The education and information literacy of my Diné community (and indigenous communities everywhere) continues to be my passion and source of inspiration.”
Melanie Yazzie – Indigenous Peoples Day, Estevan Rael-Galvez STORIES, Tribesourcing
Tribesourcing with Rhiannon Sorrell