Aaron Noble, James Gulliver, Third Coast Kings, Scrapdaddy Airs Friday August 8, at 9:00 pm on Ch. 5.1 Aaron Noble Website Muralist Aaron Noble and young artists at Albuquerque’s Warehouse 508 paint a portal to another universe. “I want people to know that anything is possible as long as you have a belief in your ability of whatever you want to do. And the impossible can become possible.” James Gulliver Website Drawing New York City’s buildings, illustrator James Gulliver Hancock found his sense of place. “This project started just as a diary. It’s like my way of writing down what’s happening to me.” Third Coast Kings Website The Third Coast Kings mix funk, jazz and Motown to create their own take on an old sound. “I think, musically, Detroit’s got an incredibly deep musical history. So, I mean, for me it’s something very special to be a part of it in some way.” Scrapdaddy Website Mark Bradford, a.k.a. “Scrapdaddy,” turns other people’s “junk” into magical mechanical beasts. “You have to work with what you’ve got. That’s my motto.”