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Anna Sofaer, Maynard Dixon, Michelle Otero

Air Date Saturday April 27 at 4pm on 5.1


Archaeoastronomer Anna Sofaer asks, “Why did the Chaco people choose to develop the barren landscape of Chaco Canyon?”

“It’s as though they were joining the earth form, the land form with what they cared so much about in the sky, in the celestial cycles.”


Spending time in New Mexico gave painter Maynard Dixon the opportunity to experience and document what he felt was truly American.

“He recognized from that first trip in 1900 that things were changing dramatically. I think he looked at it as his responsibility, not only to be true to himself, how he painted, but to capture the changes that occurred.”


Albuquerque’s poet laureate, Michelle Otero, shares how poetry can heal hearts.

“I think people are motivated by our hearts, we are moved to action by what speaks to our hearts and I think art can really do that.”