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Albuquerque Museum curator Andrew Connors

Air Date: Saturday April 29th at 4pm on 5.1

Rebroadcast: Friday May 5th at 8pm on 9.1

Bringing a provocative new vision to new mexico’s art history, albuquerque museum curator Andrew Connors asks, “who is a real new mexican and what is the real new mexico?”

“The more broad our vantage point can be, told through hundreds of different artistic voices, the more we are going to come close to understanding this place we call the common ground of New Mexico.”

Andrew Connors, shares more insights into his provocative “common ground” exhibition. In this segment he discusses the dangers of appropriation and the inevitability of cultural evolution.

“it’s very important that in our contemporary society we allow for a variety of different voices and languages and cultures and heritages.”

Andrew Connors discusses new approaches to art in the museum’s “Common Ground Exhibition.”
In this segment he discusses the dangers of appropriation and the inevitability of cultural evolution.

“Modern art creates a real challenge for us because a lot of people will go up to an abstract work of art and expect it to tell them something as opposed to allow the work of art to draw something out of them.”

Celebrating the creative spirit, ¡COLORES! broadcasts Saturday afternoons at 4pm on 5.1 and rebroadcasts Friday evenings at 8pm on 9.1.

¡COLORES! is a production of New Mexico PBS/KNME-TV. Funding for ¡COLORES! was provided in part by, The Nellita E. Walker Fund, KNME-TV Endowment Fund, The Great Southwestern Arts & Education Endowment Fund… and Viewers Like You.