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Tom Joyce, the Houston Grand Opera, Funk Lab, Terry Welker

Airing Saturday December 10th at 4pm on 5.1

Subhankar Banerjee

Challenging established ideas about forging and casting iron, Santa Fe sculptor Tom Joyce’s cutting edge artwork connects the past, present, and future.

“Every forging, that I produce a piece of sculpture from, holds and embodies in many ways everything that’s ever been made before it and everything that will come after that.”

HGO costumes

Costume designers for the Houston Grand Opera work tirelessly to transform a performer.

Funk Lab

Teaching the art of hip hop, Funk Lab swaps out arabesques for locking and breaking.

“When you see dancers do freezes and head spins and windmills and things like that – that’s all breaking. And that is actually the truest form of hip hop dance.”

Terry Welker

Inspired by the natural world, Terry Welker’s large-scale mobiles dramatically transform the spaces they occupy.

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Celebrating the creative spirit, ¡COLORES! broadcasts Saturday afternoons at 4pm. ¡COLORES! is a production of New Mexico PBS/KNME-TV. Funding for ¡COLORES! was provided in part by, The Nellita E. Walker Fund, KNME-TV Endowment Fund, The Great Southwestern Arts & Education Endowment Fund… and Viewers Like You.