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Philip Augustin, Italian Futurism, Walldogs, Ben Peter

Airing Saturday November 19th at 4pm on 5.1

Watch this episode here

From 'Winter in Yellowstone' by Philip Augustin
“From ‘Winter in Yellowstone’ by Philip Augustin”

Santa Fe photographer Philip Augustin simplifies the world into minimal, formalist compositions. He uses abstraction to question the boundaries of the photographic process.

Montage by Colleen McCulla

The story of the incredibly innovative work in what was becoming a modern Italy.

Montage by Colleen McCulla

A group of highly skilled sign painters and mural artists from all over the globe honor communities by painting unique histories on local buildings.

The work of makeup artist Ben Peter

Effects artist Ben Peter changes actors’ facial structures to make aliens and monsters.

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Celebrating the creative spirit, ¡COLORES! broadcasts Saturday afternoons at 4pm. ¡COLORES! is a production of New Mexico PBS/KNME-TV. Funding for ¡COLORES! was provided in part by, The Nellita E. Walker Fund, KNME-TV Endowment Fund, The Great Southwestern Arts & Education Endowment Fund… and Viewers Like You.