¡COLORES! Episodes
Kenji Kondo, Josh Mabe & Randy Valentine, Charlie Hoffman, Sam & Sarah Evans
Airs Friday, November 22, at 9:00 pm on Ch. 5.1 Kenji Kondo Visionary Albuquerque designer Kenji Kondo focuses on sustainability…
Michael Naranjo, Marc Rubin, Bill T. Jones, Trevor Nunn
Airs Friday, November 15, at 9:00 pm on Ch. 5.1 Michael Naranjo Website During the Vietnam War, New Mexican sculptor…
Stacey Neff, Karin Richardson, Eric Meek
Stacey Neff Website New Mexican Stacey Neff talks about the feminine aspect of nature and how the sense of gesture…
Robert Christensen, Andrea Martin, Steve Cinnamon, Arnold Alaniz
Robert Christensen New Mexico Photographer Robert Christensen Makes Portraits Of Buildings That Reflect The Rugged And Independent Spirit Of New…
Ian Ruhter, Nancy Mooslin, Roman Vishniac, Stephen Nguyen
Ian Ruhter Website Photographer and alchemist Ian Ruhter travels in a truck that is also his camera. He shares his…
Dr. Jonathan Wolfe, XL Projects Gallery, Norm Oberle, James Reddington
Dr. Jonathan Wolfe Website Dr. Jonathan Wolfe helped Albuquerque become the fractal capital of the world and shares his inspirations…
Ray Maseman, Floyd Tunson, The Museum of the Dog, Konstantin Dimopoulos
Ray Maseman Website Albuquerque artist Ray Maseman’s prints are a result of playing with ideas that come from dreams, myths,…
Ted Larsen, James Turrell, Mr. & Mrs. de Menil’s Art Collection, Sacramento Murals
Ted Larsen Website Santa Fe sculpter Ted Larsen shares how perception can bring to light new answers to old problems.…
Lauren Poole, Ricki Stern, Adrienn Banhegyi, Daniel Rebert
Lauren Poole Website Actress and improv comedian, Albuquerque’s Lauren Poole shares her thoughts behind creating her comic character Lynette and…
Bruce Lowney, Allen “Denny” Smith, Tallmadge Doyle, Mike Rivamonte
Bruce Lowney Artist Bruce Lowney shares the inspiration for his grand New Mexico landscapes and age old allegories. “Jung talks…