Gandert, Miguel

As a photojournalist, Miguel Gandert considers himself an Indo-Hispano and has spent the last twenty years documenting this culture; he often photographs people on the fringes of society, including cholos, bikers, lowriders, boxers, teen-age mothers, and Mexican immigrants. Gandert’s publication, Nuevo Mexico Profundo (2000), documents the Rio Grande corridor from northern New Mexico to the Mexican border and includes the annual pilgrimages to Chimayó, New Mexico and historical Matachines dances. Many say that Gandert’s close collaborations in the lens free his subjects to narrate their own story, and reveal their lives on their own terms. He participated in the Tamarind project Reflexiones del Corazón.
Gandert’s numerous national and international exhibitions include shows at the Whitney Museum of American Art and the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico.
Cultural historian Don Usner, New Mexican photojournalist Miguel Gandert and collector Mark Winter
Miguel Gandert, Alicia J. Rose, Gordon Parks
Lowriding, Photojournalist Miguel Gandert & Collector Mark Winter