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Danielle Rae Miller, Wall Theatre, Nick Cave, Rough and Tumble
Air Date Saturday June 23 at 4pm on 5.1
Danielle Rae Miller
Albuquerque’s Danielle Rae Miller layers intricate patterns, inspired by nature, with mythology.
“I want the work to be non-verbal representation of that interconnectedness. I want it to feel like interconnectedness.”
Through performance, 4th Wall Theatre helps students develop confidence and find inner strength.
Student: “4th Wall is a lot of fun. We all love each other very much and it’s an amazing thing to have Miss K.K., Miss Taylor to help us…we learn all different ways to be who we really are.”
Nick Cave shares his sculptured “Soundsuit” at the Detroit School of Arts.
Twenty-nine artists transformed an abandoned warehouse into a spectacular art exhibition.