Michael Naranjo, Tanaya Winder, Ray Maseman
Airs Friday March 27, at 9:00 pm on Ch. 5.1
Michael Naranjo
During the Vietnam War, New Mexican sculptor Michael Naranjo was blinded. For the last 40 years, he has produced works of splendid artistry.“If you want to do it, I guess you have to sit down and do it. When I could see, I always wanted to be a sculptor and I thought I would never be able to do that. But then I suddenly discovered I could do that with one hand, creating a very simple piece, and the moment I made that, I knew that I had my life, I had my purpose.”
Tanaya Winder
New Mexico poet Tanaya Winder performs and shares her thoughts on the healing power of poetry.“A spoken story is more powerful than one left unsaid, one unshared, one unspoken.”
Ray Maseman
Albuquerque artist Ray Maseman’s prints are a result of playing with ideas that come from dreams, myths, children’s stories and chance observations.“It’s really important to feel like you are safe and comfortable enough to just try things without knowing how it’s going to turn out.”