Noble, Aaron

Inspired by comic book imagery, Aaron Noble‘s paintings incorporate superhero body parts morphed, stretched, and free floating in a “negative space” landscape. He is known in San Francisco for his earlier WPA-styled outdoor murals depicting the city’s labor history. Now his interests involve contemporary popular street culture, Western comic art, Japanese anime and manga, video games, and technology. Noble created a series of large-scale paintings for the Museum’s lobby walls.
Aaron Noble was born in 1961 and recently moved from San Francisco to Los Angeles. He is the cofounder of the Clarion Alley Mural Project in San Francisco, where he was director from 1996 until 2001. Last year he created murals on a police guard post in Taiwan, on a private residence in Los Angeles, and, in collaboration with Andrew Schoultz, on an exterior wall on Sixteenth Street near Third Street in San Francisco. Other mural and wall-painting projects include the Theatre Rhinoceros Lobby; Superhero Warehouse on the exterior of 47 Clarion Alley, in collaboration with Rigo 00; and the Labor Temple lobby, San Francisco. This Hammer Project is Noble’s first museum exhibition.
Ed Haddaway, Matthew McDuffie, Aaron Noble
Aaron Noble, James Gulliver, Third Coast Kings, Scrapdaddy