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Woody Gwyn, Max Beckmann, “Cross Currents” Exhibit

Airs Friday October 24, at 9:00 pm on Ch. 5.1

Woody Gwyn

A visit on location with New Mexico landscape painter Woody Gwyn. In between brushstrokes, Woody defines what he sees.

“I like abstraction by the way that seems rooted in reality. And realism that seems rooted in abstraction.”

Max Beckmann

A painter’s painter, Max Beckmann avoided identification with a particular school or style. His work is a celebration of painting’s grand traditions.

“He’s an artist, who throughout his career was always searching for new modes of painting, of print-making, of sculpture. He experimented in all of those areas.”

“Cross Currents” Exhibit

At the “Cross Currents” exhibit in Denver, Native American artists safeguard tradition in the face of change.

“They’re offering positive change in thinking and creating new works that give us a different way of understanding indignity in contemporary society.”


  1. MW on October 25, 2014 at 10:40 pm

    Indignity in contemporary society in so-called Indian Country is still not representing all Indigenous people. Those artists shown are representing a small number and their view on what occurred in their societies and “White man”. Pueblo people have their own different view about how they represent themselves in contemporary society; in art, politics, growth, self goverence. What is being conveyed isn’t criticism against what is represented by these artists, just an observation from a pueblo native.
    It is all Indigenous people responsibility to truthfully be represented for history has written its own interpretation of who we are, our role in society and what is to be in the future….