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Chiricahua Apache artist Allan Houser, Santa Fe tinsmith and author Maurice Dixon
Air Date Saturday October 28th at 4pm on 5.1
Rebroadcast Friday November 3rd at 8pm on 9.1
ALLAN HOUSER One of the most important American artists of the 20th century, Chiricahua Apache sculptor, painter and educator Allan Houser left an enduring legacy.
“Allan was a person who truly believed in the goodness of his fellow man and used the narrative of his work to talk about his own people, to talk about all native people and to talk about mankind.”
Houser worked tirelessly to create works that reflect his heritage and spoke to an international audience.
“He was evolving into his own form of an abstract way of thinking.”
Santa Fe tinsmith and author Maurice Dixon shares his passion for the history and art of New Mexico tinsmithing. "Almost all these tinsmiths were practical tinsmiths - they made cups, they made gutter pipes. But in the hands of a few tinsmiths, they went beyond their training - they were artists.”