Vilmain, Suzanne

Suzanne Vilmain’s long art career has taken a sharp turn-indeed an upending—having come to ceramics from graphic design, paper and print making and book arts. In her move to 3-D explorations with clay she uses Raku, pit, soda, high and low firing techniques in her pieces.
Suzanne Vilmain is spelunking her psyche using clay as her headlamp. Vilmain’s hand built large vessels, dice, pyramids, orbs, cubes, cones and boxes are stamped, pierced, pounded, folded, occasionally narrative and ever playful. Her ceramic work sometimes invokes a memory or nostalgia as in a brittle clay envelope with it’s flap open and surface impressed with lacework. The viewer is invited back to a time when one received a private missive and expectantly drew it out from it’s hiding place. Vilmain’s work is 3-E: Exuberant, Evocative, and Experimental.
Suzanne Vilmain, Kevin Finnan, Petronella Ytsma, Highclere Castle