Eco-Travel New Mexico author Ashley Biggers, Sarah Gustavus visits the Navajo Nation, former U.S. Senator Fred Harris
This week on New Mexico in Focus, correspondent Megan Kamerick sits down with author Ashley Biggers, who has written extensively about travel in New Mexico. Her latest book, “Eco-Travel New Mexico,” highlights places that operate on sustainable principles, including hotels and restaurants.
Several segments are also reprised:
·Producer Sarah Gustavus visits the Navajo Nation to look at the unique challenges facing entrepreneurs on the reservation. This focus on economic resilience in rural and underserved communities was part of the State of Change Project, in partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network.
·Correspondent Russell Contreras interviews former U.S. Senator and current Corrales resident Fred Harris. Oklahoma’s U.S. Senator from 1964 to 1973, he was a member if the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, aka the “Kerner Commission.” The Commission’s report, which came out in 1968, examined poverty and race in America.
·Correspondent Antonia Gonzales and producer Sarah Gustavus travel to the Navajo Nation for the series “Reconnecting with a Healthy Lifestyle.” They explore what’s being done to fight diabetes and obesity by reducing consumption of soda and sugary beverages and look at one school’s innovative way to get filtered water to more people on the Navajo Nation.
Russell Contreras
Antonia Gonzales
Sarah Gustavus
Megan Kamerick
Studio Guests:
Ashley Biggers, author of Eco-Travel New Mexico
Fred Harris, former U.S. Senator