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Second Congressional District Race, Skyrocketing Housing Prices in Carlsbad, The Line

This week on New Mexico in Focus, a closer look at the upcoming race for the Second Congressional District. Fred Martino of Public TV Station KRWG in Las Cruces sits down with the democratic candidate Xochitl Torres-Small, to talk about some of the big issues in the race, and why she wanted to run. Her opponent, Yvette Herrell, has not made herself available for an interview to date. The winner of the race will replace republican Steve Pearce, who is running for Governor.

Housing prices are skyrocketing in Carlsbad, largely because of a boom in the oil and gas industry. Special Correspondent Sarah Gustavus visited the southern city to find out how people are coping with the housing conundrum, as well as the need for everyday essentials, which businesses are having a hard time keeping in stock. This is part one of a series New Mexico in Focus produced with the Carlsbad Current Argus.

Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelists discuss the contested races that will determine which party gets control of New Mexico’s House of Representatives after midterm elections.

They also debate ways to address the controversy over long-standing murals in the UNM Zimmerman Library, and look at how lateral transfers to the Albuquerque Police Department are affecting other law enforcement agencies.

Host: Gene Grant

Sarah Gustavus

KRWG Studio Correspondent:
Fred Martino, director of content, KRWG

KRWG Studio Guest:
Xochitl Torres-Small (D), Second Congressional District Candidate

Line Panelists:
Merritt Allen, Vox Optima LLC
Michael Bird, public health consultant
Dan Foley, former House minority whip
Giovanna Rossi, president, Collective Action Strategies; host, The Well Woman Show