The Line: GOP Lawmakers Feel Silenced At Legislature
February 15, 2019 – After the blue wave swept through New Mexico and changed the political makeup of the state’s governing body, Republicans lawmakers often feel that they are largely being ignored. How much responsibility do Democrats have to reach across the aisle, and what should the GOP strategy be with the time left in the session? Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelists discuss the different power dynamics at play during this year’s legislative session.
Line Panelists:
Merritt Allen, owner and executive director, Vox Optima LLC
Jeffrey Candelaria, Konnection Now & host on KKOB
Sophie Martin, attorney
Serge Martinez, professor, UNM School of Law
For Further Reading:
House Republicans, pushed further into the minority, feel frustration at lack of input– Daniel J. Chacón, Santa Fe New Mexican, reprinted by NM Political Report