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COVID-19 Response: We Can Work It Out

The stay-at-home order is dragging on and things are getting kind of grim. People have been cooped up together for weeks now, money issues are coming to a head, and uncertainty and instability are persistent facts of our everyday lives. After yesterday’s discussion of domestic violence, this episode is all about how to get through this difficult time—spiritually, psychologically and emotionally.

We start our conversation with Reverend Amani Malaika of the Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living. She tells us how to build up the spiritual muscles necessary to face this crazy time through the practice of meditation and mindfulness, as well as the importance of allowing yourself to experience the difficult feelings that naturally come about in extreme circumstances.

Next up, Jessamyn Lovell and Lee Montgomery talk about family life, parenthood, loneliness and the difficulties of watching a young son come to terms with the pandemic in his own way.

Áine McCarthy of Chrysalis New Mexico gives us insight into the power of narrative, and how telling a story can offer profound healing.

Nicholas Cuccia,an integrative trauma therapist from Awake and Aware gives us super valuable tips onnavigating trauma, empathetic listening to folks who are hurting and how to show compassion for yourself as well as others.

Finally, Jennifer Schneider, concentration coordinator for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of New Mexico College of Nursingemphasises how important it is to be mindful and purposeful in reaching out to the people we love and care about in this time of isolation.

And a news update: When N95s were in super short supply, and doctors and nurses needed them desperately—when COVID cases were growing by the thousands and hospitals were overrun back in early April—TSA was sitting on more than 1.3 million N95 respirator masks, even though airports were empty, according to Propublica. Find this story on

BPL Plasma in New Mexico is collecting plasma from people who survived the virus in the hopes that the antibodies could help sick patients, KOB reports. Hospitals across New Mexico are researching this treatment, and it’s showing good results with patients improving and recovering. Plus, if you get a transfusion and get better, then you can become a donor. BPL is calling for plasma donations from survivors.

Today in the state there were 153 more positive COVID tests, according to the Santa Fe Reporter, making the total 4,921. And there were seven more fatalities, bringing the death toll here to 169.

Testing capacity has ramped up in the state in recent weeks, which can account for the jumps in confirmed cases. And the number of people who’ve recovered is at 1,073—about a quarter of the people who’ve caught the virus.

We’re keeping a complete list of the resources and volunteer opportunities that we find for each episode at And here’s what we got from today.

How are things going for you? We want to know. Share your quarantine stories by calling: (505) 218-7084 and leaving us a message. We could roll them into a future episode.

This segment is part of the “Your New Mexico Government” Project (#YourNMgov), a collaboration between New Mexico PBS, KUNM Radio, and the Santa Fe Reporter. This endeavor is funded by the New Mexico Local Journalism Fund with public media support provided by the Thornburg Foundation.