Rise in Asian American/Pacific Islander Violence
April 2, 2021 – New Mexico, like many other states, has seen a rise in the number of violent and harassing incidents targeting people of Asian American/Pacific Islander descent since the COVID-19 outbreak first began. Many people tie that surge to divisive and racist rhetoric that labeled COVID as the Chinese Virus or Wuhan Flu. Host Gene Grant talks to members of the Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) community about their experiences and why they’re starting to break tradition and speak out in hopes of turning the tide.
Gene Grant
Kristelle Siarza, volunteer executive director, Asian Business Collaborative
Sachi Watase, executive director, New Mexico Asian Family Center
For More Information:
Protest Against Asian American Violence Held in Downtown Albuquerque – KRQE
Asians in NM Face Increased Racism During Coronavirus Pandemic – Albuquerque Journal
Signs Of Rise in Racism Against Asians and Asian-Americans – New Mexico Political Report