The Year for Paid Family Leave, Lawmaker Pay?
This week on New Mexico in Focus, Politics Correspondent Gwyneth Doland interviews state House Speaker Javier Martínez about all things Roundhouse-related: the state budget, a proposed paid family leave bill and a series of bills aimed at overhauling the state’s long-troubled child welfare system.
House Minority Leader Gail Armstrong tells Gwyneth what she thinks the state can do better to help smaller businesses.
For years, Common Cause New Mexico has been a vocal advocate for state lawmakers receiving a salary. Senior Producer Lou DiVizio asks Mason Graham, the organization’s state policy director, why he believes a salaried Legislature would open the Roundhouse to a broader swath of New Mexicans.
Two Senate Finance Committee members, including its chairman, talk to Gwyneth about the state’s budget, as well as how lawmakers are setting the state up for potential cuts in federal funding.
Host: Jeff Proctor
House Speaker Javier Martínez on Paid Family Leave Bill
Correspondent: Gwyneth Doland
Guest: NM Rep. Javier Martínez, D-Albuquerque; House Speaker
House Minority Leader Gail Armstrong on Republican Frustration
Correspondent: Gwyneth Doland
Guest: NM Rep. Gail Armstrong, R-Magdalena; House Minority Leader
Common Cause Pushes for Good-Government Reforms
Correspondent: Lou DiVizio
Guest: Mason Graham, Policy Director, Common Cause New Mexico
NM Senators Prepare for Cuts in Federal Funds
Correspondent: Gwyneth Doland
Guests: NM Sen. George Muñoz, D-Gallup; Chair, Legislative Finance, Senate Finance Committees
NM Sen. Steve Lanier, R-Aztec; Senate Finance Committee