The Line: Legislative Preview
January 15, 2016 – The 2016 legislative session is a short one – 30 days. Is that enough time for state lawmakers to pass a new budget and address other issues like ethics reform?
The Santa Fe New Mexican reported this week on the prospects for ethics reform and the latest budget estimates from the Legislative Finance Committee. Lawmakers may also consider a proposal to create salaries for state senators and representatives, but KRQE reports that the idea may be put on hold. The Deming Headlight summarized the key issues in this year’s legislative session: education, public safety, bail reform, ethics and campaign finance, driver’s license, and economic development.
Beyond the budget, what issues do you think lawmakers should address during the session that opens in January 19?
Host Gene Grant leads a discussion this week about the upcoming session with our Line opinion panelists.
Tom Garrity, Garrity Group PR
Rob Nikolewski, Independent Journalist
Laura Sanchez-Rivét, attorney at Cuddy & McCarthy, LLP
Harry Van Buren, professor at the UNM Anderson School of Management