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The Line: Attorney General Issues Subpoenas Related To Taser Contract

January 22, 2016 – Jeff Procter reported for New Mexico in Depth this week that a state grand jury subpoenaed numerous documents and correspondence between  former APD Chief Ray Schultz and Taser International.

“The documents offer a first glimpse into state Attorney General Hector Balderas’ criminal investigation of how the Albuquerque Police Department awarded a $2 million no-bid contract to Taser for more than 500 body-worn cameras and five years worth of online video storage.”

Read the fully story here.

In this week’s show, host Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelists discuss what is currently known about the investigation.

Diane Denish, former lieutenant governor
Rob Nikolewski, Independent Journalist
Antoinette Sedillo López, executive director of Enlace Comunitario
Stephen Spitz, host of New Mexico People, Places, and Ideas on KUNM