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The Line Segments

Water coming out of a pipe into a pond.

Study Questions NM Water Allocation

8.4.23 – Gene Grant and the Line Opinion Panel discuss a report from a national…

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A smoke plume rises over a mountain range.

Cerro Pelado Fire Update

8.4.23 – Gene Grant talks to the Line Opinion Panel about a report from the…

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A group of people holding signs that say do the write thing.

Actors/Writers Strike Escalates in New Mexico

7.28.23 – Gene Grant and The Line Opinion Panel discuss the ongoing film actors’ and…

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A not guilty stamp on a piece of paper on a wooden table.

Former UNM AD Acquitted

7.28.23 – Gene Grant and the Line Opinion Panel discuss the recent acquittal of former…

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In Touch Segments

1314 Jessica Feezell

Professor Jessica Feezell: The Political Messaging Surrounding Impeachment

October 4, 2019 – The U.S. House of Representatives has launched a formal impeachment inquiry…

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New Mexico’s Youth Make Their Case For Climate Change Reform

September 20, 2019 – On Friday, students from schools across New Mexico participated in the…

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1310 Vaping 1

New Mexico Department of Health Addresses Vaping

September 6, 2019 – Senior Producer Matt Grubs sits down with David Tompkins, manager for…

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ADA Advocate Terri O’Hare

August 30, 2019 – Gene Grant talks with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) advocate Terri…

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In Context Segments

New mexico in focus.

Reporting on the 2023 Legislative Session | In Context / Your NM Government

New Mexico in Focus Political Correspondent Gwyneth Doland catches up with a group of up-and-coming…

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A man in a suit is standing in front of a bar full of bottles.

Alcohol Tax Increase Limited by Robust Liquor Lobby

3.17.2023 – The state Senate has included a 5-cent increase to state alcohol taxes in…

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A man in a suit sitting in a chair talking to another man.

Javier Martinez Interview

12.30.22 – New Mexico in Focus Correspondent Russell Contreras sits down with House Speaker Nominee…

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A river surrounded by mountains and trees.

What We Learned About Water in 2022

12.23.2022 – Stacy Timmons, Associate Director of Hydrogeology Programs at the New Mexico Bureau of…

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