Budget Bill Advances
February 26, 2021 – The Line opinion panel looks at the advancement of the $7.39 billion budget on the House side of the Legislature. After a disastrous prediction as the pandemic settled in, the state’s economy has bounced back, somewhat, and lawmakers are looking to spend more than they did last year. Much of the spending has been focused on one-time items, with $1 billion coming from the state’s operating reserve funds.
Host: Gene Grant
The Line Opinion Panel:
Merritt Allen, Vox Optima public relations
Eric Griego, former state senator
Kristelle Siarza, Siarza Social Digital
For More Information:
House Passes Budget in 60-10 Vote – Santa Fe New Mexican
Budget Passes House as Pandemic Pacakge Moves Forward – KRQE-TV
This segment is part of our #YourNMGov project, in collaboration with KUNM radio. Support for public media provided by the Thornburg Foundation.