Business Struggles During COVID-19 Outbreak | The Line
April 3, 2020 – Non-essential businesses have been told they cannot serve customers in their store or office locations. Because of this, businesses have been downsizing or closing, laying off employees, and dealing with the inability to pay rent or utilities. Gene Grant and The Line opinion panel talk about the effects of COVID-19 prevention on businesses statewide and look at ways for the economy to bounce back in the future.
Line Panelists:
Giovanna Rossi, president, Collective Action Strategies
Laura Sanchez, attorney
Kristelle Siarza, Siarza Social Digital
For Further Reading:
Help for Businesses Negatively Impacted by the COVID-19 Health Emergency
CARES Act: Udall, Heinrich: Coronavirus Relief Bill Provides $377 Billion in Small Business Aid
Udall, Heinrich: Coronavirus Relief Bill Provides $377 Billion in Small Business Aid — Albuquerque Journal
Disaster Loan Assistance
NM Family Friendly Business