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Young Professionals Plug the Brain Drain

NMiF: Brain Drain

July 21, 2017 – In the Brain Drain series, New Mexico in Focus has been examining why so many bright, talented young people leave the state. In this segment, correspondent Gwyneth Doland talks to 20- and 30-somethings about living and working outside New Mexico—and why they chose to stay. Guests: Manu Sandoval, musician, owner Maple…

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The Line: Cannabis Controversy in Corrales

NMiF: Cannabis Controversy in Corrales

July 21, 2017 – Citizens of the Village of Corrales attended a council meeting recently to voice both support and opposition to an ordinance that would ban large-scale cultivation and processing of cannabis and cannabis-derived products within their community.  The proposed ordinance was introduced in reaction to a planned medical marijuana farm to be located…

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