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‘We’ve been here since time immemorial’

A person wearing a black shirt sits in front of a backdrop showing a colorful sunsetsky, smiling and speaking animatedly.

7.12.24 –As a hydrologist, Phoebe Suina puts her engineering education and training to work restoring and healing landscapes and communities affected by post-wildfire flooding. As an enrolled member of the Pueblo of Cochiti, she also draws on her family and traditions to steward the mountains, forests, and watersheds within her care. In the first of…

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Our Land: Loving Our Changing Homelands

Promotional graphic for an NM PBS special titled "Our Land Special," featuring a landscape-themed design with the text "Loving Our Changing Homelands.

For seven years on NMPBS, “Our Land: New Mexico’s Environmental Past, Present, and Future” has covered so many aspects of climate change: from the oil and gas industry’s greenhouse gas emissions to how human-caused warming affects our rivers, forests, and public health.  In an all-new special, “Loving Our Changing Homelands,” Our Land Senior Producer Laura…

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