Our Land
Covering the New Cold War
7.5.24 – At Searchlight New Mexico, investigative reporter Alicia Inez Guzmán covers New Mexico’s nuclear legacy and future — and the New Cold War. In an in-depth conversation with Our Land Senior Producer Laura Paskus, Guzmán talks about her award-winning story, “Buried secrets, poisoned bodies,” digging in to the illegal autopsies scientists at Los Alamos…
Read MoreThoreau Teens Oppose Radioactive Dump
6.28.24 – Earlier this year, 10th graders from Thoreau High School wrote to media outlets and officials across the state, drawing attention to a recommended cleanup plan from the federal government. Across the Navajo Nation, contaminated uranium mines have been polluting the air and water and making people sick for generations. As part of a…
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