Census Data Shows New Mexico Going Urban
August 20, 2021 – Data released by the U.S. Census shows 20 of New Mexico’s 33 counties lost population between 2010 and 2020 – and that New Mexico’s largest cities show the biggest gains. Will this result in a widening of the urban-rural divide, or is it simply putting numbers to a trend many have recognized for years? The Line panelists examine the implication of the latest numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau. The panel also talks about what rural depopulation means for Republicans and for redistricting.
Host: Gene Grant
Line Guests:
Dan Foley, former NM House minority whip
Sophie Martin, attorney
Jessica Onsurez, news director, Carlsbad Current-Argus
For More Information:
Rural New Mexico becoming more rural – Santa Fe New Mexican
New Mexico defends title as most Latino state in nation – Associated Press
2020 Census Statistics Highlight Local Population Changes and Nation’s Racial and Ethnic Diversity
This segment is part of our #YourNMGov project, in collaboration with KUNM radio. Support for public media provided by the Thornburg Foundation.