Education Reform: Money Behind The “Moonshot”
March 1, 2019 – Correspondent Gwyneth Doland heads to Santa Fe to explore the nexus of education and tax reform efforts. In response to a judge’s decision that New Mexico hasn’t been spending enough on its public schools, the Legislature has added nearly half a billion dollars to the budget for education. Doland speaks to Senators Peter Wirth and Gay Kernan about how lawmakers are ensuring they do more than just throw money at a problem, and how they’re making certain they can afford the changes in years when the state isn’t flush with oil money. Then she goes to Ortiz Middle School to find out what Santa Fe Public Schools expects to change after the Legislature adjourns.
Dr. Veronica Garcia, superintendent of Santa Fe Public Schools
Sen. Gay Kernan (R), New Mexico Senate
Sen. Peter Wirth (D), New Mexico Senate
[…] does this all mean? The Gov. who came in touting an “education moonshot” hasn’t just failed after 6 years in office, rather, New Mexico’s already-struggling […]