Improving graduation rates and college prep, report cards on crime legislation, a look at the Access-O-Meter, plus The Line Panel
This week on New Mexico in Focus, producer Sarah Gustavus sits down with two local experts to hear what education programs and strategies are showing the greatest promise to raise graduation rates and better prepare students for college, careers, and life after high school. How can lawmakers use the latest research to inform decisions they make during this legislative session?
Producer Sarah Gustavus also talks with two members of the New Mexico SAFE Coalition, which is producing report cards on crime legislation during the 2017 session. And correspondent Gwyneth Doland sits down with a board member from the local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists to talk about their Access-O-Meter. These segments are part of the People, Power and Democracy coverage, which examines legislation that addresses ethics, accountability and transparency in the New Mexico state government.
And NMiF host Gene Grant and the Line panelists debate some of the latest stories in the news, including the newest Homeland Security Department memos that greatly expand immigration enforcement priorities, and the budget plan proposed by New Mexico’s democratic lawmakers. They also look at progress this year on a constitutional amendment to establish an independent ethics commission in New Mexico.
Gene Grant
Gwyneth Doland
Sarah Gustavus
Studio Guests:
Ian Esquibel, executive director, Learning Alliance New Mexico
Meriah Heredia-Griego, center director, UNM Center for Education Policy Research
Cathy Ansheles, executive director, New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyer Association
Adriann Barboa, field director, Strong Families New Mexico
Matt Grubs, board member, Society of Professional Journalists Rio Grande Chapter
Line Panelists
Janice Arnold-Jones, former state representative
Dede Feldman, former state senator
Viki Harrison, Common Cause New Mexico
Mary T. Torres, attorney at Law Offices of Mary T. Torres
People, Power and Democracy explores ethics, accountability and transparency in government. Our partners are KUNM, New Mexico in Depth, New Mexico News Port and New Mexico PBS.
Support for coverage on NMiF comes from the Thornburg Foundation and NMPBS viewers.
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Featured photo: Creative Commons, by Tulane Public Relations