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2016 Legislative Session Outcomes, Ethics in Business vs. Ethics in Politics, Latest News Headlines

Correspondent Stan Wilson sits down with two political leaders to talk about the outcomes of the 2016 legislative session. They also discuss future prospects for funding education and other services for vulnerable children in New Mexico.

People, Power and Democracy correspondent Gwyneth Doland visits Harry Van Buren’s Executive MBA class in the UNM Anderson School of Management to learn how ethics in business compares to ethics in politics.

Host Gene Grant leads a discussion on the latest news headlines, including proposed changes to the Mexican wolf re-introduction program, the current economy, and former Secretary of State Dianna Duran’s request to modify the terms of her probation.

Sen. Michael Sanchez (D), Majority Floor Leader
Rep. Don Tripp (R), House Speaker
Professor Harry Van Buren, Anderson School of Management, UNM

Dede Feldman, former state senator
Tom Garrity, the Garrity Group PR
Julie Ann Grimm, Santa Fe Reporter
Janice Arnold-Jones, former state representative

Gwyneth Doland
Stan Wilson

Gene Grant

The Producer of NEW MEXICO IN FOCUS is Sarah Gustavus. Associate Producer is Kathy Wimmer. Funding for this program was provided in part by the McCune Foundation Communications Fund, Santa Fe Community Foundation.

Episode 934 airs February 26, 2016 at 7:00pm on Ch.5.1