Keller Touts Public Money for Soccer Stadium
July 30, 2021 – The Line opinion panelists weigh in on a proposed $50 million bond measure to fund a stadium primarily for the New Mexico United soccer team. Mayor Tim Keller is all-in on the idea, but is public financing the right way to go about paying for it? Is it a sweetheart deal for team owners? And can such a project revitalize downtown Albuquerque?
Host: Gene Grant
Line Guests:
Dede Feldman, former state senator
Dan Foley, former state representative
Kristelle Siarza, Siarza Social Digital
For More Information:
City releases feasibility study on sites for New Mexico United stadium – KOB
Mayor makes his case for a new soccer stadium – Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce backs United stadium – KRQE
City faces property buyouts for downtown New Mexico United stadium sites – KRQE
Bond for New Mexico United stadium could be on the ballot this November – KOB