Concussions in Youth Sports, Drought Conditions and Water Conservation, The Line
This week on New Mexico in Focus, correspondent Khalil Ekulona looks at the risk factors for concussions in youth sports and how students and parents can help better identify and address them when they happen.
Drought conditions and water conservation is the topic of Producer Sarah Gustavus’ discussion with Katherine Yuhas of the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA). Low snowpack and a forecast for increased drought conditions this year has many people worried, but division director Yuhas says her organization is ready for the challenge.
NMiF host Gene Grant and the Line opinion panelists look at the current political scene, including the record number of Native American women running for elective office and a 60-second campaign ad that’s the focus of a legal dispute. They also debate the tone of APD reform under Albuquerque’s new administration, and look at the approaching fire season, where fires are expected to burn hotter and faster in New Mexico.
Gene Grant
Khalil Ekulona
Sarah Gustavus
Studio Guests:
Dr. Richard Campbell, pediatric neuropsychologist at the UNM Health Sciences Center
Brandon Chavez, director of Spirit Xpress West
Lucien Starzynski, soccer coach at Albuquerque High
Katherine Yuhas, resources division director, Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
Line Panelists:
Dan Foley, former House minority whip
Mary Hudetz, reporter, Associated Press
Andy Lyman, reporter for NM Political Report
Laura Sanchez-Rivét, attorney at Cuddy and McCarthy, LLP