New Mexico Court of Appeals Election, Young Professional Life in Carlsbad
This week on New Mexico in Focus, a closer look at a race that tends to get overlooked: electing a judge to the New Mexico Court of Appeals. Six of the ten judicial positions are on the ballot this election, and four of those are contested races. The races also present a unique election situation. All four feature incumbent Republican male judges appointed by Governor Susana Martinez, and all four female challengers are Democratic women. Special correspondent Martha Burk sits down with the two candidates in Position 4: incumbent judge Daniel Gallegos, a Republican, and challenger Megan Duffy, a Democrat. They examine the role of an appellate judge, and look at the dynamic of gender in these races.
Special Correspondent Sarah Gustavus again visits Carlsbad to take a closer look at young professionals trying to make a life in a town bursting at the seams. This is part two of a series New Mexico in Focus produced with the Carlsbad Current Argus.
Host: Gene Grant
Special Correspondents:
Martha Burk
Sarah Gustavus
Studio Guests:
Megan Duffy (D), challenger, Judge of the Court of Appeals Position 4
Daniel Gallegos (R), incumbent, Judge of the Court of Appeals Position 4
Line Panelists:
Tom Garrity, the Garrity Group PR
Mary Hudetz, reporter for Associated Press
Andy Lyman, reporter for NM Political Report
Laura Sanchez-Rivét, attorney at Cuddy and McCarthy, LLP