NMiF Extra | Good Governance Bills
02.24.23 – Gene and the Line debate a series of good governance bills moving through the legislature. That includes a bill that would change some rules when it comes to ethics complaints filed against lawmakers. The panel also talks through a push for open primaries and a failed proposal to create a new redistricting process.
Host: Gene Grant
Line Opinion Panelists:
Dave Mulryan, president, Mulryan-Nash Advertising
Andy Lyman, reporter, Santa Fe Reporter
Merritt Allen, Vox Optima Public Relations
For More Information:
Free Speech Paradox – Santa Fe Reporter
Bill to Let Unaffiliated Voters Participate in Primaries Clears Senate – NM Political Report
Bipartisan Vote Halts Proposal for Independent Redistricting in New Mexico – Albuquerque Journal