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Pretrial Detention

October 15, 2021 NMiF senior producer Matt Grubs talks about New Mexico’s pretrial detention conundrum with the director of the Administrative Office of the Courts, Artie Pepin. The office recently asked UNM social researchers to evaluate the 2nd Judicial District Court’s (Bernalillo County) effectiveness at keeping the right people free until trial, an innocence-before-guilt approach reinforced with a voter-approved 2016 change to the state constitution. While prosecutors and police say New Mexicans are safer with more people locked up as they await a decision on their innocence, Pepin says the study suggests otherwise. 

Correspondent: Matt Grubs 

Guest: Artie Pepin, director, Administrative Office of the Courts 

For More Information: 

Bernalillo County Public Safety Assessment Validation Study – UNM (pdf) 
Ad Hoc Pretrial Detention Committee work – New Mexico Admin. Office of the Courts