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Three people lined up along a brick wall at voting tables casting their votes.

Black Voters Collaborative

By Myah Wilmarth | September 29, 2022

09.30.22 –Gene Grant speaks with several leaders at the Black Voters Collaborative about their efforts boosting turnout in communities of color. Those leaders explain exactly…

Albuquerque's newest Poet Laureate and Civil Rights Attorney, Anna C. Martinez.

ABQ Poet Laureate

By Myah Wilmarth | September 19, 2022

09.16.22 –Gene catches up with Anna C. Martinez, a civil rights attorney and Albuquerque’s newest Poet Laureate to talk about her background in writing and…

New Mexico Shakespeare Festival Logo.

New Mexico’s 2022 Shakespeare Festival in Albuquerque

By Myah Wilmarth | August 25, 2022

8.26.2022 – Gene Grant leads a behind-the-scenes conversation on the 2022 New Mexico Shakespeare Festival. Three of the minds behind this year’s shows explain what’s…

A man is standing next to a statue of a demon.

Previewing the 100th Santa Fe Indian Market

By Myah Wilmarth | August 18, 2022

08.19.2022- Correspondent Antonia Gonzales previews the 100th Santa Fe Indian Market. She speaks with the executive director of the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts, and…

People dancing in the street at the 100th Inter-Tribal Ceremonial in Gallup

Resilience at the 100th Inter-Tribal Ceremonial in Gallup

By Myah Wilmarth | August 12, 2022

08.12.2022- Photojournalist Benjamin Yazza captures a community coming together at the 100th Intertribal Ceremonial in Gallup. After a horrifying incident that left more than a…

Here, Now and Always.

Here, Now & Always Opens in Santa Fe

By Myah Wilmarth | July 15, 2022

7.15.2022 – Here, Now and Always highlights Indigenous people of the southwest, showcasing never-before-seen items and state-of-the-art technology. It also sets the standard for collaborations…

The Roundhouse with text superimposed that reads "$250 Tax Rebate Checks."

Tax Rebate Impacts

By Myah Wilmarth | June 30, 2022

07.01.22– New Mexico State University Economics Professor Emeritus explains the potential impacts of two rounds of $250 tax rebate checks coming to all New Mexican…

NM Early Childhood Education and Care Department Logo.

NM Childcare Expansions

By Myah Wilmarth | June 30, 2022

07.01.22- Senior producer Lou DiVizio catches up with New Mexico’s Secretary of Childhood Education and Care to talk about new childcare expansions now available for…

An photo of two people on a screen in the Facing the Rising Sun: The Journey of African American Homesteaders in NM exhibit.

Facing the Rising Sun: The Journey of African American Homesteaders in NM

By Myah Wilmarth | June 30, 2022

07.01.22- Host Gene Grant explores the stories behind a mobile art exhibit, sharing the history of African American homesteaders who settled in New Mexico in…

A baby Mexican Wolf wrapped in a blue towel.

Wildfire’s Impact on Mexican Wolves

By Myah Wilmarth | June 17, 2022

6.17.2022 – More than 20 years ago, in 1998, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and partner agencies released Mexican wolves into the wild for…

New Mexico wildfires.

Reporting Challenges During Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire

By Myah Wilmarth | June 17, 2022

6.17.2022 – Our Land Executive Producer Laura Paskus talks with two reporters about their experiences covering the largest wildfire in state history and how you…