Our Land: Bosque del Apache
January 12, 2018 – This month on “Our Land: New Mexico’s Environmental Past, Present and Future,” we visit Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge near…
In Deep Water
US Supreme Court to decide how states share the drying Rio Grande, and New Mexico could lose big By Laura Paskus As severe drought returns…
“Eco-Travel New Mexico” author Ashley Biggers
January 4, 2018- This week on New Mexico in Focus, correspondent Megan Kamerick sits down with author Ashley Biggers, who has written extensively about travel…
Paws And Stripes Helps Veterans Forge New Life After Service
December 29, 2017 – Thousands of veterans call New Mexico home. For vets who are struggling with injuries or challenges related to their service, the…
Scholars Explore Connections Between Early New Mexico & Florida
December 22, 2017 – Correspondent Antonia Gonzales sits down this week with two experts who delve into the histories of both early New Mexico and…
Bringing Back STEM Grads
December 15, 2017 – The so-called “brain drain” of talented young professionals from New Mexico is a topic that comes up often in New Mexico.…
Responding To The #MeToo Movement In New Mexico
December 15, 2017 – Sexual harassment and assault have been in the national headlines this fall as the #MeToo movement gained momentum online and in…
Re-connecting With A Healthy Lifestyle: Technology And Online Tools
December 8, 2017 – There are thousands of websites and apps that aim to help people manage their weight or work on improving their health.…
Connecting Neighbors For Safer Neighborhoods
December 1, 2017 – Those who work with neighborhood associations believe that a connected community is a safer community. Producer Sarah Gustavus sits down with…
Students & Scientists Benefit From The Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program
December 8, 2017 – More than 20 years ago, Dan Shaw co-founded the Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program, or BEMP, with the late-Cliff Crawford, a biology…
Former U.S. Senator Fred Harris
December 1, 2017 – Correspondent Russell Contreras sits down for an exclusive interview with former U.S. Senator Fred Harris. The Corrales, NM, resident was Oklahoma’s…
State of Change: Starting & Growing A Business On The Navajo Nation
November 24, 2017 – Starting a business is always challenging but Native American entrepreneurs face unique challenges on tribal lands. For the State of Change…