The Line: Is This The Year An Ethics Bill Will Pass The Legislature?
February 24, 2017 – Proposals to create an independent ethics commission have been introduced in many legislative sessions but have never passed. Is the political…
Future Of Medicaid Unclear In New Mexico
February 17, 2017 – This week on New Mexico in Focus we look at Medicaid. New Mexico was one of 31 states and the District…
The Budget: How does this thing really work?
February 17, 2017— This week marks the halfway point of the Legislature’s 60-day session and lawmakers are getting down to the nitty-gritty of putting together…
Protecting Water In Standing Rock And New Mexico
February 10, 2017 – The Cheyenne River Sioux and Standing Rock Sioux tribes have vowed to continue to fight the Dakota Access Pipeline in court.…
Tribal Leaders Discuss Priorities On American Indian Day At The Roundhouse
February 10, 2017 – Leaders from tribes across the state came to Santa Fe last week for American Indian Day at the Roundhouse. Our correspondent…
Behavioral Health Funding In Bernalillo County
February 10, 2017 – Voters in Bernalillo County voted overwhelmingly in 2014 to support a new tax to pay for mental and behavioral health services.…
What will happen to New Mexicans if the Affordable Care Act is repealed?
February 10, 2017 – Opponents of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, have been advocating for its repeal since it was enacted in 2010. Yet,…
Reforming Ethics To Spur Economic Development
February 10, 2017— This week on New Mexico in Focus we look at renewed efforts to create a statewide ethics commission. The sponsor of one…
Refugees In New Mexico Cope With Fear And Uncertainty
February 3, 2017 – President Trump’s executive order on immigrants and refugees has affected individuals and families across the country, including here in New Mexico. …
Generations Of Opiate Addiction Shapes Families And Communities
February 3, 2017 – KUNM public health reporter Ed Williams sits down this week with producer Sarah Gustavus to talk about his reporting project, “Enduring…
Is New Mexico’s Tax Structure Fair?
January 27, 2017— This week on New Mexico in Focus, we look at one lawmaker’s proposal to close the loopholes in our tax system that…
No Easy Solutions to NM’s Fiscal Crisis
January 27, 2017— This week on New Mexico in Focus we tackle some of the approaches lawmakers are considering to address gaps in the state…