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A man and woman sitting at a table in front of a city.

Should New Mexico Move To Open Primaries?

By Ashley Rammelsberg | February 5, 2016

February 5, 2016 – This week on New Mexico in Focus, we look at legislation that could give voters the chance to vote to change…

People power democracy restoring public trust money in politics.

Restoring Public Trust: Money In Politics

By Ashley Rammelsberg | February 1, 2016

The People, Power and Democracy project is examining ethics, accountability and transparency in state government during the 2016 legislative session. Join our community conversation about…

A man and woman sitting at a table in front of a city.

Polling On Immigration And Driver’s Licenses

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016 – Lawmakers in Santa Fe are once again debating the future of New Mexico’s driver’s licenses. The current policy allows individuals to obtain…

Three people sitting at a table in front of a television.

APS Bond Election

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016 – Albuquerque Public Schools and CNM are asking voters to approve $575 million dollars in a mil levy and general obligation bonds to fund capital improvements projects that…

A stack of papers on a table.

Protecting Access To Public Records & Public Meetings

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016 – This week on New Mexico in Focus, correspondent Gwyneth Doland takes us to the Roundhouse to highlight the importance access to public records in…

People power democracy restoring public trust about a conversation about new mexico's future.

Restoring Public Trust: A Conversation About New Mexico’s Future

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 25, 2016

Mistrust of government is at an all-time high. What can elected officials, media and the public do to restore trust in our democracy? Gwyneth Doland…

A statue of children in front of a building.

Is New Mexico’s Capital Outlay Process Broken?

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016 – New Mexico in Focus is partnering with other nonprofit media outlets this year on coverage of the 2016 legislative session.  The People, Power…

A muddy river with a lot of rocks in it.

New Mexico’s U.S. Senators Lay Out Plans For Mining Reform

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 – New Mexico officials announced this week that the state plans to sue the federal government for the Gold King Mine spill last…

A woman sitting at a table with a cup of coffee.

Encouraging More Students To Pursue STEM Careers

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 15, 2016

January 15, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Education projects that jobs in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) are growing but the number…

Two men sitting at a table talking to each other.

Former APD Officer Encourages Return To Community Policing Model

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 8, 2016

January 8, 2016  – The Albuquerque Police Department is currently engaging in a process to reform policies and training for officers, which is required by…

A bald man in a suit and tie sitting at a table.

New Mexico Progress Report

By Ashley Rammelsberg | January 8, 2016

January 8, 2016 – New Mexico First, a public policy group, recently released a report that looked at four key issues that are important for…

Two women sitting at a table talking to each other.

Entrepreneurship In ABQ: What Makes A Successful Grant Writer

By Ashley Rammelsberg | December 25, 2015

December 25, 2015 – Nonprofits often rely on grants and foundation support to operate local programs, but spending hours of staff time on grants can…