Special Session Begins
June 19, 2020 – Following a Supreme Court decision to allow state lawmakers to ban the public and lobbyists from the state Capitol, the New Mexico Legislature opened a pandemic-spurred special session Thursday. Lawmakers need to patch holes in the current budget and the next fiscal year, which starts July 1. The latter is a $2 billion shortfall, and lawmakers will have to make tough choices as they decide what spending to cut and postpone. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham also added several police reform proposals, tax relief and election reform measures to her proposed agenda.
Host/Correspondent: Gene Grant
Line Panelists:
Tom Garrity, The Garrity Group PR
Sophie Martin, attorney
Kristelle Siarza, Siarza Social Digital
For Further Reading:
NM Opens Special Session in Closed Capitol – Albuquerque Journal
Solvency plans not far apart – Albuquerque Journal
Governor proposes cuts, tapping reserves in budget plan – Santa Fe New Mexican
Roundhouse to be closed to public – Albuquerque Journal