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Health Care Co-Op Thrives In New Mexico

A stethoscope and money on a blue background.

November 6, 2015 – The Affordable Care Act opened up new possibilities for health insurance programs. While some health insurance co-ops have failed in other states, New Mexico Health Connections appears to be thriving. Open enrollment 2016 coverage  began this week. NMiF producer Sarah Gustavus sits down with Dr. Martin Hickey from New Mexico Health Connections to hear what’s…

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Allen Sanchez Talks About Pope’s Visit And Message on Social Issues

A man and woman sitting at a table talking.

October 16, 2016 – Pope Francis recently made his first-ever visit to the United States. Along with statements on other social issues, the pope has announced that during a special year of mercy women may be forgiven for what the church sees as the sin of abortion. This week Gwyneth Doland interviews one prominent feminist writer,…

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