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The Line: Selecting University Regents

A black and white photo of rows of chairs in a lecture hall.

February 2, 2018 – A proposed amendment to the New Mexico constitution seeks to revamp the selection process for university regents. In the proposal, a nominating committee would vet applicants and recommend them for board seats, giving the state’s governor less freedom to choose nominees. This week’s Line opinion panel looks at this proposal and…

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The Line: Legislators Look At Plugging “New Money” Into Budget

An aerial view of a building with flags flying over it.

February 2, 2018 – Economists were happy to report to New Mexico lawmakers that there is almost $300 million in “new money” in the state’s budget this year. But what is the best way to spend those funds? Gene Grant and the Line debate the options. Line Panelists: Dan Foley, former House minority whip Mary…

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