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COVID-19 Causing Budget Upheavals | The Line

Composite of a 3D dollar sign, and a group of coronaviruses.

May 1, 2020 – Gene Grant and The Line opinion panel look at school, city, and state budgets that are in trouble as a result of the pandemic. Lawmakers may meet in June to redo next year’s state budget, but is that soon enough? The Line debates the best way forward.  Host:Gene Grant  Line Panelists:Merritt…

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COVID-19 in Southeastern New Mexico

Composite of logo for Carlsbad Current Argus, with cavernous stalagtites in the background.

May 1, 2020 – Correspondent Laura Paskus continues with the fourth in her series of interviews with journalists around the state as they cover COVID-19 in their communities. Adrian Hedden, a journalist with the Carlsbad Current-Argus, discusses the consequences of the outbreak in the Carlsbad area, its impact on the oil industry, and whether residents…

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