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COVID-19 and Telehealth Strategies

Composite of a sign reading "STAY HOME" in colorful text, with the New Mexico flag behind it.

April 24, 2020 – Correspondent Megan Kamerick talks with Drs. Sanjeev Arora and Leslie Hayes about telehealth and how rural medical centers and hospitals are handling cases of the novel coronavirus.  Correspondent:Megan Kamerick  Guests: Guest: Dr. Sanjeev Arora, founder, Project Echo at UNM Dr. Leslie Hayes, family practitioner, El Centro Health in Española   This story is part…

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Sen. Tom Udall and COVID-19 Federal Aid

Tom Udall

April 24, 2020 – Senior producer Matt Grubs talks to U.S. Sen. Tom Udall about the COVID-19 pandemic as the Senate passes its latest attempt to provide a safety net for the U.S. economy and healthcare system.    Correspondent: Matt Grubs  Guest:U.S. Senator Tom Udall  

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