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Practicing Faith During a Pandemic

A small building with two crosses on top of it during mid-day.

This week in April is important for both the Christian and Jewish faith traditions. It is the beginning of Passover, the eight-day celebration the commemorates the Israelites’ emancipation from Egyptian slavery. It is particularly important for Jewish families to gather for Seder meals and retell the story of Exodus. For Christians not in the Eastern…

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Business Struggles During COVID-19 Outbreak | The Line

Storefront with a sign reading "SORRY WE'RE CLOSED BUT STILL AWESOME".

April 3, 2020 –  Non-essential businesses have been told they cannot serve customers in their store or office locations. Because of this, businesses have been downsizing or closing, laying off employees, and dealing with the inability to pay rent or utilities. Gene Grant and The Line opinion panel talk about the effects of COVID-19 prevention…

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